An update… finally! I had a total hysterectomy in May – too personal? Probably, but I am throwing it out there in hopes that it will sooth the long silence. And to boot, along with the hysterectomy I welcomed back my old friend procrastination and new friends wicked hot flashes, raging hormones and BRACES because my teeth decided they needed some attention, too. Dismantled? Yes (and it’s hard to keep the whining down to just a few words). Back in the race? Absolutely! And thankfully, I gained a little more clarity and learned a few things on the sidelines that I wanted to share as this new season begins.

  1. Never say never. We got a puppy and he is sitting on my lap, licking my arm as I type this. And I secretly love it…
  2. Those hot flash greeting cards? Finally FUNNY!
  3. Cultivate your creativity! Oh how my heart is SOARING creating again. Can not wait to share what’s been going down in the “she cave” and between you and me, rumor has it that the old ETSY store is opening back up on October 22nd.
  4. Make yourself a little “she cave” – even if it is just a chair that is all yours. Best therapy ever!
  5. The enemy, the one that most of us have never been armed to protect ourselves against (or that is even talked about) is alive and well and we need to get ANGRY at what he steels, kills and destroys in our lives and those we love. Game on!
  6. We are (courageous, fearless, forgiven, loved – fill in the blank) because I (Our Heavenly Father) AM. #freedom!
  7. Wrestle daily with the integrity between what you believe and how you behave. Without the wrestling, we end up on auto pilot and numbed out, which = sidelines, idols and sin.
  8. It’s our commitment that honors God, not our perfection. Get’s me every. single. time.
  9. If we are not taking care of ourself and our health, we are affecting our purpose and our time on earth can become futile and unproductive.
  10. Learn to be TRUE and wholeheartedly YOU so that you won’t have to redefine who you are in your 40’s.

Keeping it short and sweet – I have missed you all greatly and look SO forward a FABULOUS Fall! xo



outta the woods