If you are looking for BAGOLITAS (those spunky fabric handbags with fringe), you are just one more click away – head on over to my store, Janice Baldes Studio, over on ETSY.
If you have never heard of a BAGOLITA, let me catch you up to speed. In 2005 I founded a handbag company when a home project went awry and I took some leftover fabric, added some fringe, and called it a BAGOLITA. Who knew they would be such a hit?! After selling over 150,000 handbags (with the help of many) and having the bottom fall out of the business during The Great Recession in 2009, God started weaving a new story into my life and it was time to set the fabric and fringe aside for a while. After some serious grieving of the company and people I loved spending my days with, I dusted myself off and began my next adventure: Developing coaching programs and tools to help women create a life they love, and helping other unexpected entrepreneurs launch, tidy up, and grow their own businesses. And in the nooks and crannies, I still love creating for my little ETSY store.