Registration is now open for the inaugural Love & Friendship Luncheon! It’s my mission to inspire you to be delighted with your life, to help women build community, to cultivate deeper connections with others, and to spark creativity and FUN. This event is the sum total of all of this!

The inspiration for this event began so many years ago when I became part of a story so much bigger than myself. This story sets the stage for this inaugural event, Gift From the Sea, and I hope you’ll allow me just a few more minutes of your time to share it in the video below.

Doors will open at 11am and you will be headed out by 12:45pm. Our 2024 theme comes from Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s best-selling book, Gift From the Sea. In a world where we are up against so much distraction, loneliness, and demands from every which direction – how do we find our inner wholeness and peace? Together, we’ll be talking about this wild ride called life and the search for meaning, simplifying, rhythm, and grace. And then I’ll be sending you home with some homework and hopefully a heart that is filled to the brim with love and inspiration for another trip around the sun.

The event will feature a light lunch, some takeaways, and yes, a few surprises. I have been crunching numbers on the cost of hosting such a large event with the goal of simply covering my costs. If cost is prohibitive for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out – I am happy to accommodate!

EARLY BIRD ADMISSION: $29 (Ends at Midnight, Sunday, July 7th)

STADARD ADMISSION: $35 (Ticket sales close at Midnight, Friday, August 9th)

TABLE of 8: $200 (Limited Availability)